Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ted Cruz's lack of honor.

Ted Cruz demonstrated that he has no honer when he gave his speech at the RNC. To accept an invitation to speak at either the RNC or the DNC implies that you are going to support the nominee of the the party in question. In this case Cruz had previously signed a pledge to support whichever candidate finally got selected to be the presidential nominee for the Republican party. He didn't do it. He used a lame excuse that Donald Trump attacked his wife with negative publicity. It was Cruz's campaign that did this first when they attacked Trump's wife--he responded by attacking Cruz's wife. Cruz is using this as an excuse for what he did. There is no excuse if Cruz is a Texan as he claims to be. If you give your word to do something, than you do it--no excuses. This shows that that Cruz is no Texan at heart and that he should go back to Canada. I don't believe that any real Texan will ever trust him or vote for him in the future. As far as I am concerned he has lost any chance he ever had of becoming president of the United States. He has no honor and won't keep his word! My grandfather was a real Texan. If he gave his word he honored it, no matter what the consequences were.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I just learned that Sea World has bowed to the ban the killer whales group and are going get rid of their killer whales. This is asinine. First it was the elephants and now it's the killer whales. What animal is going to be next? Let's just skip ahead and tell all the people that have pets that they need to get rid of them. Return them to the wild--let them go now! We need to ban all zoos and any activity that necessitates the use of animals. Rescue dogs, seeing eye dogs, bomb sniffing dogs. We can't have any animal that is kept by humans for anything. The end of this will be humans sitting around in sterile apartments sucking on tofu. Our human race is getting to be a little bit asinine. We have dominion over the animals. When the killer whales go from Sea World I'll go too. I'll not go to Sea World again. Do I have to quit eating tuna? What about my belts and my shoes? Will I have to use plastic? Oh, I forgot a lot of our plastic is derived from petroleum. It'll probably be banned too. Can I pick and eat a tomato? I might disturb a bug on it when I do. Is that allowed. Some people need to get a life.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Karl Rove's Reported Possible Number Shift in the Iowa Caucus May be wrong: Cruz vs Trump

In the Iowa caucus Karl Rove is reporting, and he is being quoted on a lot of news outlets that if slightly over four votes per precinct had been shifted to Trump from Cruz than Trump would have possibly won the caucus. I think that the reported numbers are wrong. If slightly over two votes per precinct had shifted than Trump would have been the winner. There are 1,500 precincts in Iowa. The difference in the vote count between Cruz and Trump is 6,239 votes which works out to be slightly over four votes per precinct if the 6,239 votes are divided by 1,500. The correct method is to divide the 6,239 votes by two to get the average number of votes and round up and down to the next whole number. The winner has the higher number. If the average of 3,118.5 is used and dividing it by 1,500 produces 2.079 votes per precinct. Trump would win if slightly more than two votes per precinct were shifted. This is simply seen by examining the following: let's look at smaller numbers. If Cruz got 12 votes and Trump got 8 votes. The difference is 4 votes. Shifting the 4 votes would give Cruz 8 votes and Trump 12 votes. If we use the average it would take only a two vote shift to make the votes even. Shifting two from 12 produces 10, and adding two to eight produces 10. The numbers would be equal. In a larger sample it would take a total of 3,119 votes to be shifted from Cruz to Trump for Trump to be the winner. Which is slightly more than two votes per precinct.