Sunday, April 28, 2013

Race versus Ethnicity Incorrectly used.

In a first, black voter turnout rate passes whites. This is one of the most stupid statements that I've had the pleasure of reading from the associated press written by a professor of political science. The article goes on to also talk about Hispanics becoming a significant voting block. It's about time that our political science types quit mixing up race and ethnicity. The vast majority the Hispanics are white as the Hispanic label only denotes ethnicity and not race. If we are going to talk ethnicity we need to be concerned with Germanic's, Slavs, Irish, English, Scottish, Etc. This equating ethnicity and race to ones political advantage is asinine. It is presently impossible, except for a few local elections, for the black vote to be larger than the white vote in the US. Any statement to the contrary is done for some form of political advantage and is totally wrong. It's time that we started using the correct terminology. If we can't face things as they are than we will never be able to come to the table together and be one family--Americans. Quit trying to divide us.

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

National Debt

It appears to be that the conservatives and Republicans, who are worried about the direction of our country and its national debt, really shouldn't be worried. I believe that a rational plan is afoot. With the significant overspending, as driven by our national leaders and their willing cohorts, will most likely attest. Added to this spending is their reckless borrowing and monetizing of our debt to the point where there is only one recourse left to us. A very well planned recourse and well orchestrated. We will make our currency worth so little that we will be able to issue new dollars and wipe our debt out overnight. It doesn't matter what happens to most of the citizens of our country, or those on a very tight budget. The leaders will be able to say that we don't have any debt, at least not any of any size. If our new dollars are to be set to where each new dollar is worth ten of our old dollars than the debt will be reduced by ninety percent. That's pretty good for a days work. Almost no debt. I'll bet, like all good third world countries, the new dollar will have our fearless leaders picture on it. The only question we have is, "Will it be during his second or his third term." I lean towards the end of his second, but who knows it might even be sooner.

Monday, January 21, 2013

A New America

With all that is happening to America it may be time to consider forming a new America. We are divided into two major camps--the blue states and the red states. Those states that believe in not honoring our laws and constitution and those that do. There are many calls from a number of the red states to succeed from the union. I think that this is a mistake. No state should succeed from the union. It would be better for those states that believe in the law and our constitution without all of the strange interpretations being done to it to take a different step. It may be time for them to consider forming a country of their own and declaring that they are the true representatives of the union and a representative government that is more in line with that envisioned by our founding fathers. One that honors work, the individual, their God given rights and basic equality under the law. Perhaps this new "country" should be formed and declare themselves the United States of America and let the other deviate states go their own way. This country would encompass the heartland of the country and a few other states. It may be that parts of the other states would end up staying with the newly formed U.S.A. while most parts of the East and West coast would be allowed to wallow in the results of what they have created. As of now there are at least 29 states that are red. It is most likely that it could be increased to 34 and be able to pass a constitutional amendment to accomplish this. We are at a stage where all power is being shifted to the federal government. If a new country can't be formed it is both necessary and desirable that the states stop letting the federal government buy their way into more power by using the states own money and resources against them. A large part of what the federal government does is not in the constitution and by right revolves to the states. It is time for them to step forward and exercise these rights. A federal judge has no rights other than those outlined in the constitution. All state judges can overrule a federal judge that makes decisions contrary to a states rights as outlined in the federal constitution and the states constitution. We need to quit recognizing and agreeing to the decisions made by these aberrant judges. Forming a new country under the existing federal constitution is probably the best possible solution.