Friday, April 29, 2011

Lab Reports, Writing, Superman

I'm thinking about adding to my writing by doing some lab reports. I need to do something else in addition to what I'm doing. I roughed out a concept yesterday for a new science fiction book. I hope to find time to start it in the next few weeks. I've completely redone my flyer for my book, "Astronaut Training." I've added a lot more info to it but have run into a size constraint. It's, as always, a balance between what you want to do and what you can do. I'm going to stay away from the new Superman Movie. It is UnAmerican as the phrase "Truth, Justice, and the American Way," has been altered to remove the American part. I'll to purchase or watch the movie.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Science Fiction, Future writing

My garden is growing. The tomato plants are getting close to being three feet tall. Hopefully I'll remember to water them. I've spent some time today working on the illustrations for my book about witches, "The Land of G'lop." I've finished seven of them, roughed out one, and have only ten to fifteen more to do. As slow as I'm working that's a couple of months work. Oh, well they'll get done when I can get them done. I'm waiting for the third book in, "The Adventures of Curtis, Connie, and Cosmic Cat" to get back from the editor. I've also redone my flyers. I've put more info on them, perhaps too much. I'd still like to get some more interest in my full length science fiction novels. I need to have some success so that I'll have time to do more writing. I have the third book in my trilogy to do. It's going to be about five hundred or so pages long. I've got it all laid out and know in what direction I want to go but I don't want to start it as it's going to be somewhat complex. There are going to be a lot of characters and settings in it as the action moves farther out into space--both known and unknown. Maybe they'll go looking for God, or at least what could be God.