Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Astronaut Training, The Adventures of Curtis, Connie, and Cosmic Cat

I placed some copies of my book in another book store today---The Twig Bookstore in San Antonio, Texas. I should have a book signing and reading for younger readers in a few weeks. I'm going back through a short book that I wrote hurriedly a few months ago. It's about an old witch with seven children: two boys and five girls. They're all magical but don't all get along. The mother dies and the girls attempt to get control of her magic wand and books. It's quite a struggle. Recent occurrences have brought me back to the story and I'm preparing to alter parts of it and expand it. If all goes well I'll be through with it in a couple of months. In the meantime I'll be publishing the second book in the Adventures of Curtis, Connie, and Cosmic Cat. As those of you who have been following my blog know the first book deals with a stray cat that is adopted by a couple of kids who train the him to be an astronaut.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Just a continuation

It's been awhile since my last posting. I don't have any valid excuse other than spending a fair amount of time writing and marketing my recent publication about a stray cat and two kids that train him to be an astronaut.